We've partnered with FedEx to ensure your order is delivered secure and on time. To help you with your purchasing decision, we list the average time it will take for an order to process for each product listed on our website. Orders for some products will process more quickly than others due to order volume and/or inventory status. We try to be as fair and accurate as possible, when listing each product's availability.
We offer the following shipping types:
- Standard Ground Shipping: 3-5 Business Days
- Expedited 3-Day Shipping*: 3 Business Days
- Expedited 2-Day Shipping*: 2 Business Days
- Expedited Overnight Shipping*: Next Business Day
- Freight Shipping: 3-5 Business Days
We ship orders on regular business days Monday - Friday (non-holidays). Orders placed on weekends will ship on the following business day.
* During the checkout process, all products that are qualified for expedited shipping will have these shipping options displayed, so that you can choose the best option for your shipment.
Note: As of 04/01/2022, rwflame.com is currently collecting sales taxes from the following 5 states, including Illinois,Washington,Florida,California,New Jersey.
The state sales tax rate is made up of a base rate and mandatory local rate that goes directly to city and county tax officials. The total sales tax rate may vary based on local jurisdictions.
Whether taxes need to be paid?
For the following states, we will automatically charge some taxes(It will be automatically calculated in the product price):New Jersery,lllinois,Washington,Florida,Califonia.